Wednesday, July 01, 2009

How to Grow Taller Naturally - The Truth Revealed!

By Julia Dunham

If you are looking for information on how to grow taller naturally, you are more than likely short or you may feel short. Either way, you have a problem. It is a well known fact that tall people often judge people of less stature (I mean height) as inferior. This preconception is more often than not a subconscious one. Whether it is subconscious or not, does not change the fact that shorter people are at a disadvantage when compared to their taller counterparts.

It is also a well known fact that height has a very important effect on professional success and the ability to climb the professional ladder. Shorter people have a harder time at it. Being vertically challenged also creates some serious self-confidence issues that make social interactions very difficult. Never mind that people find taller individuals more attractive.

Having said all that, it is possible to grow taller naturally within a relatively short period of time. No, there are no pills or potions that can make your bones grow. It is simply impossible to stimulate bone growth a few years after the end of puberty.

Credible methods of height increase center around the lengthening and strengthening of the spine. You see, bad posture and spinal compression take away several inches from our overall height. There are exercises that decompress the spine at the same time as they strengthen the muscles supporting it. Other exercises are effective at filling and strengthening the cartilage between the vertebrae. A combination of these exercises can make your posture straight giving you several inches in height that you never knew you had! In fact, you could add between 2 and 4 inches with consistent focus and action over a few weeks.

If you are a bit skeptical, I understand. But think about it for a minute. Did you notice that Grandma and/or Grandpa are noticeably shorter than they used to be? Yes I know, You have grown since those days of old when everyone seemed tall, but the fact remains that people get shorter with age. This is directly related to posture and spinal compression.

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(my own article directory)

If you think that these types of exercises can help you grow taller naturally take a look at You will find valuable information and learn more about effective and natural programs that can help you add 2 to 4 inches and give you the confidence you need to succeed professionally and socially.

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